速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers

Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers


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Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 235 stickers of Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Diego Martelli

- Portrait of Giuseppe Abbati

- Self-portrait while looking at a painting

- Portrait of Alaide Banti in White Dress

- Portrait of Mary Donegan

- The Conversation

- A Guitar Player

- Gossip

- The Great Road in the Villas Combes

- The Letter

- The Model and the Mannequin

- Place Clichy

- The Hammock

- The Laundry

- A Friend of the Marquis

- Crossing the Street

- In the Garden

- Peaceful Days

- The Red Umbrella

- Girl Reading in a Salon

- A Lady Admiiring a Fan

- Lady in Red Coat

- Newspaperman in Paris (The newspaper)

- The Dispatch Bearer

- Portrait of Alice Regnault

- Madame Leclanche

- Henri Rochefort

- Morning letter

- The Mondona Singer

- Girl with Black Cat

- The actress Rejane and her dog

- Portrait of Guiseppe Verdi (1813-1901)

- Two White Horses

- The dump at the door of Asier

- Signorina Concha de Ossa

- Woman in Black who Watches the Pastel of Signora Emiliana Concha de Ossa

- Portrait of a Lady

- Princesse de Caraman Chimay (later Madame Jourdan)

- Corner of Painter’s Table

- Girl In A Black Hat

- Head of a Lady with Yellow Sleeve

- John Lewis Brown with Wife and Daughter

- John Singer Sargent

- Portrait of Emanuele Muzio

- Portrait of Giovinetta Errazuriz

- Portrait of Madame Josephina Alvear de Errazuriz

- Self Portrait

- Lady in Brown Evening Dress

- Portrait of Georges de Bellio (1828-94)

- Portrait of the Countess de Martel de Janville, known as Gyp (1850-1932)

- San-Marco in Venice

- View of Venice

- Madame Charles Max

- Portrait of the Artist Ernest Ange Duez

- A Midsummer Night's Dream

- Count Robert de Montesquiou

- Count Robert de Montesquiou

- Lady Colin Campbell

- Portrait of James Abbott McNeil Whistler (1834-1903)

- Madame Georges Hugo and her son Jean

- Portrait of Maria Eulalia of Spain

Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- A Reclining Nude on a Day-Bed

- Landscape with Trees

- Portrait of a Man in Church

- Portrait of Anita de la Ferie - The Spanish Dancer

- Emiliana Concha de Ossa

- Portrait of Lina Cavalieri

- Portrait of Mme. Lina Cavalieri

- Portrait of Sem (Georges Goursat)

- Portrait Of The Artis Lawrence Alexander Harrison

- Miss Bell

- Portrait of a Lady, Mrs Lionel Phillips

- Portrait of Lady Nanne Schrader

- Princes Radziwill with Red Rbbon

- In the Promenade

- Lady Wearing a Straw Bonnet (Morning Promenade)

- Portrait of Elizabeth Wharton Drexel

- Portrait of the Countess Zichy

- Sitting Lady (The Talk)

- Spanish Dancer at the Moulin Rouge

- The Black Sash

- Willy

- Consuelo, Duchess of Marlborough, with Her Son Ivor Spencer-Churchill

- Portrait of Alfred Beit

- Portrait of Mrs. Howard Johnston

- Mademoiselle Lanthelme

- Portrait of Gladys Deacon

- Portrait of the Marchesa Luisa Casati with a Greyhound

- Diaz Albertini

- The Painter Vincenzo Cabianca

- Arm with Vase of Flowers

- Costantino in the role of Ernani

- Mlle Laure

- Pink Palace Ibis in the Vesinet

- Portrait of Madame E. L. Doyen

- Portrait of Princess Marthe-Lucile Bibesco

- Portrait of Rita de Acosta Lydig

- Self Portrait

- Madame Pages In Evening Dress

- Portrait of a Lady

- Portrait of a Lady

- Portrait of Donna Franca Florio

- Portrait Of Madame Juillard In Red

- Portrait of Mlle de Gillespie - La Dame de Biarritz

- Young woman's head on a pink background

- Madame Michelham

- Portrait of a Lady Lina Bilitis with Two Pekinese

- Mrs. Leeds, the later Princess Anastasia of Greece (and Denmark)

- Portrait of the Marquise

- Lady in Red Dress

- Female Figure

- Scena Galante

- Donna Franca Florio

- Portrait of Donna Franca Florio

- Reclining Nude

- Symphony in Gray

- A Lady with a Cat

- A Portrait of Emiliana Concha de Ossa

- A Portrait of John Singer Sargent

- Adolf Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel

- After Hurricane

- Angels

- Apples

Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Ballerina i...

Giovanni Boldini Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad